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Phungsan Dog, National Dog of the DPRK

Phungsan Dog, National Dog of the DPRK

Phungsan Dog, National Dog of the DPRK

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Pagyon Falls

Pagyon Falls

Pagyon Falls

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Chongsokjong,Scenic Beauty in East Coast of Korea

Chongsokjong,Scenic Beauty in East Coast of Korea

Chongsokjong,Scenic Beauty in East Coast of Korea

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Historical Discoveries Reveal the Development of Koguryo Culture

Historical Discoveries Reveal the Development of Koguryo Culture

Historical Discoveries Reveal the Development of Koguryo Culture

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Glazed Earthenware of Hoeryong

Glazed Earthenware of Hoeryong

Glazed Earthenware of Hoeryong

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In the case of having a mote in the eye

In Case of Having a Mote in the Eye

In Case of Having a Mote in the Eye

①When you ahve a mote in the eye, open eyelids with thumb and index finger, droop head a little, and cough violently several times. Then mote will come out.

②An eye smarts when lime powder goes into the eye. Dissolve sugar in water and let fall a few drops into the eye. Pain will be relieved instantly.

③When there is a speck of dust in the eye, fill a basin with clean water, soak the eye in it, and blink the eye several times. Then dust will soon be washed out.

④If the mote in the eye does not come out easily, put two benniseeds into the eye before going to bed at night. In the next morning benniseeds will come out with the mote.

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Courtesy for the parents

Good Manners to Parents

Good Manners to Parents

Since the ancient times, Korean people have regarded it as their duty to show respect for their parents and take care of them.

Children’s respect for their parents started from the inquiring after their health in the morning.

A child living in a separate room got up, washed himself, put on his clothes, went over to his parents’ room and inquired after their health. Then, he folded up his parents’ bedding, put their room in order and brought water for his parents to wash themselves, thus helping parents’ morning routine.

Before going to bed at night, children put their parents’ room in order, laid out their bedding and bowed to them “good night” and got out into their room.

When parents went on a visit, they prepared all the necessary things for the parents and saw them off until they got out of their sight, and when they were coming back, they went out of the gate and received them, bowing and greeting.

When children accompanied their parents outside, they regarded it their duty to walk behind the parents and if the road was rugged, support them. And they did all the work on the way such as asking for directions, calling a person, opening and closing doors for the parents.

When the parents were ill, children took the necessary measures in time, took care of them on their bedside, preparing nutritious food for them, making them feel easy in order that they did not worry about their illness or get disappointed.

When children had some special food, they gave it to their parents first. At each meal, they picked up their spoons or chopsticks after their parents did and served scorched-rice tea to their parents on time just after their meal in order that they would take off the aftertaste.

They paid special attention to their parents’ dressing and used to offer them clean clothes even if they made a poor living themselves.

They did their best to keep manners for their parents indoors, too.

They did not dare to go across the front of the seated parents thoughtlessly and, in particular, never walked across close to the pillow of or over the body of the sleeping or lying parents.

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Volleyball exercise good for physical training

Volleyball -- Good for Keeping Fit

Volleyball -- Good for Keeping Fit

Volleyball is one of the sports good for keeping fit and sound health.

Striking and blocking in volleyball results in maximal stretching and jumping, which helps its players grow tall.

And a quick motion from side to side, a swift ball reception and a roll improves the agility.

It helps players develop in all ways, too.

Since volleyball playing contains many kinetic elements including speed, strength, flexibility and endurance, it has a good effect on the development of all the muscles of the whole body.

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Hair combing and health

Hair Combing and Health

Hair Combing and Health

Many people see hair combing as an act for women’s hair dressing and do not pay attention to their hair combing.

But regular hair combing has a very positive effect on people’s health.

Combing hair stimulating acupuncture regions and channels on the head will make you feel refreshed and lighthearted.

Hair combing causes neural reflections, accelerates metabolism and improves blood circulation, and thus it effectively prevents the geriatric diseases including stroke.

If you brush your hair about 3-4 times a day for 3-5 minutes each, or comb your hair before you go to bed, you will feel relieved and sleep a sound sleep.

A wooden comb is more effective.

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A few methods to treat an insomnia

Remedies for Insomnia

Remedies for Insomnia

- Lie in bed, relieve yourself of all mental troubles and do not worry about your insomnia.

- Lead a well-organized life every day.

- Treat people softly and try to avoid excessive excitement in your daily life.

- Do not have supper too late or too much.

- Do not drink pungent beverages in the evening.

- Do not take too much exercise before going to bed.

- Relieve the strained muscles of the whole body before going to bed.

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If the pregnant woman takes in the nutritive substance too much?

A Pregnant Woman and an Excessive Nourishment

A Pregnant Woman and an Excessive Nourishment

If a pregnant woman takes in too much nourishment, it can raise her blood pressure and the fetus may grow too big.

One of the main causes of the puerperal death is the high blood pressure.

And the other cause is severe bleeding due to too hard childbirth labour or too-long delivery because of the over-size fetus.

So a pregnant woman must never take in too much nourishment.

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General understanding of the formative influence of the Korean dance

General Understanding of the Formative Influence of the Korean Dance

General Understanding of the Formative Influence of the Korean Dance

The Korean dance has its peculiar formative influences different from the dances of other countries.

First, the Korean dance has an elegant luniform line as its main form.

This line refers to the semi-circular curve, in which the formative style made by the arm is felt elegant, flowing softly from the fingertip to the shoulder.

In other words, it refers to the feature of the Korean dance that expresses clearly the soft beauty of form and spatial formative influence by using the fluent curved flow of swinging arms.

Second, the formative influence of the dance is delicately made by the part of an arm.

What is basic in expressing the formative beauty of form in our national dance is the part of an arm, and the poise of an arm is always curved in the space.

The feature of the Korean dance lies in the fact that arms are used as the main means and they express the elegant, beautiful and delicate formative form.

Third, the Korean dance highlights its peculiar beauty by combining all the body parts harmoniously.

The Korean dance highlights the national tint by tending and completing the formative beauty of form most elegantly and gracefully with a harmonious combination of the body parts.

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