Grand People's Study House Homepage - 《NamSan》

결전의 길로

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[ 04:01 ] 0

그대밖에 내 몰라라

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[ 03:52 ] 0

대동강의 해맞이

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[ 04:09 ] 0

조국보위의 노래

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[ 03:26 ] 0

조국의 바다지켜 영생하리라

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[ 03:08 ] 0

우리 아버지

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[ 06:00 ] 0

우리 앞날 찬란하여라

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[ 02:48 ] 0

이 강산 하도 좋아

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[ 02:47 ] 0

친근한 어버이

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[ 03:55 ] 0

Phungsan Dog, National Dog of the DPRK

Phungsan Dog, National Dog of the DPRK

Phungsan Dog, National Dog of the DPRK

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Pagyon Falls

Pagyon Falls

Pagyon Falls

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Chongsokjong,Scenic Beauty in East Coast of Korea

Chongsokjong,Scenic Beauty in East Coast of Korea

Chongsokjong,Scenic Beauty in East Coast of Korea

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Historical Discoveries Reveal the Development of Koguryo Culture

Historical Discoveries Reveal the Development of Koguryo Culture

Historical Discoveries Reveal the Development of Koguryo Culture

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Glazed Earthenware of Hoeryong

Glazed Earthenware of Hoeryong

Glazed Earthenware of Hoeryong

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In the case of having a mote in the eye

In Case of Having a Mote in the Eye

In Case of Having a Mote in the Eye

①When you ahve a mote in the eye, open eyelids with thumb and index finger, droop head a little, and cough violently several times. Then mote will come out.

②An eye smarts when lime powder goes into the eye. Dissolve sugar in water and let fall a few drops into the eye. Pain will be relieved instantly.

③When there is a speck of dust in the eye, fill a basin with clean water, soak the eye in it, and blink the eye several times. Then dust will soon be washed out.

④If the mote in the eye does not come out easily, put two benniseeds into the eye before going to bed at night. In the next morning benniseeds will come out with the mote.

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