1. Psychological Requirements for Conducting the Work with the Masses as a Work with their Minds and Emotions
Rim Hyon Gi, Lecturer, Kim Il Sung University
E-Lecture Room, 11/8(Fri), 16:00
2. The Crime of the Japanese Reactionaries Seen Through Monument to the Great Victory in Pukgwan
Song Myong Chol, Lecturer,
E-Lecture Room, 11/22(Fri), 16:00
3. Narrowband IoT Technology and Its Application
Dr. & Assoc. Prof. Jong Chol, Kim Il Sung University
E-Lecture Room, 11/7(Thu), 16:00
4. Global Trends in Improving Natural Ability of Rivers to Manage Floodwater
Assoc. Prof. Rim Hyon Min, Kim Il Sung University
E-Lecture Room, 11/19(Tue), 16:00