1. Production Technology of Cold Rolled Sheet
Prof. & Dr. Son Ryong Chol, Kim Chaek University of Technology
E-Lecture Room, 7/3(Wed), 16:00
2. Real Time Fault Detection Techniques of Power Transformer
Associate Prof. Ri Son Ung, Lecturer, Grand People`s Study House
E-Lecture Room, 7/10(Wed), 16:00
3. Design and Application of Energy Saving Control System by DCS
Associate Prof. Mun Kwang Chol, Department head, Grand People`s Study House
E-Lecture Room, 7/17(Wed), 16:00
4. Assessing of Quality Capacity and its Application for Clothing Factories
Associate Prof. Ri Tong Jun, Pyongyang Jang Chol Gu University of Commerce
E-Lecture Room, 7/31(Wed), 16:00