History of dog raising in our country

History of dog raising in our country

Our ancesters started to raise a dog as a domestic animal from the latter term of the Old Stone Age. This is clearly proved by a dog shaped stone and a hunting dog shaped sculpture found in the house site of historic relics in Sok Jang ri, Kongju city, South Chungchong province.

The main occupation of the people in the latter of the Old Stone Age was an animal hunting.

Since the animal hunting was an important part of the occupation even in the New Stone Age, the hunting dog was the close “fellow traveller” and reliable “assistant” of the people that time.

Like this, our ancesters raised the several kinds of domestic animals in order to master the nature and expand and develop the production from the early times and trained the well bred dogs such as an intelligent and quick Phungsan dog in order to use for the animal hunting.