On the development of the rice farming in the ancient times

On the development of the rice farming in the ancient times

Our ancesters started the rice farming in the primitive times. Entering the ancient times, the rice farming was developed more and more thanks to the diligent and creative activity of our ancesters.

First of all, the rice farming spilled over to the wider area entering the ancient times although it started in Pyongyang area in the primitive times.

Next, rice started to be cultivated in the paddy field entering this times.

Entering the ancient times, the people accumulated a certain level of hydraulic enginnering knowledge and introduced it into the cultivation of rice.

The excavated irrigation facilities and paddy field of that times proves it clearly.

With the expansion of rice cultivation in the ancient times, our ancesters laid down the foundation to spread the more developed rice cultivation methods including softening a rice field with water and double cropping that were suited to the physiological characteristics of rice and increased the yield.