On the system of artist training in the period of the feudal Joson Dynasty

On the system of artist training in the period of the feudal Joson Dynasty

During the period of the feudal Joson dynasty, the training of artists was conducted publicly by state organs and privately by the individual systems of training.

First of all, the public system of training artists had been established. The rulers of the feudal Joson dynasty had almost entirely carried forward the proceeding system in the period of Koryo in the early period of its establishment, and so it had maintained Tohwawon (Drawing Assocoiation) in the capital which governed all the artists in the country.

Tohwawon, which had existed since the Koryo Dynasty, was renamed as Tohwaso (Drawing Division) since the mid-15th century, and its system and task assignments were made clear.

Besides the creation of art works, Tohwaso had a well-regulated system of training reserve students, so it had been able to train the future artists in a far-sighted way.

Next, there were private systems of training artists. During the period of the feudal Joson dynasty, the training of artists was conducted not only through the state machinery but also by village schools, temples and individual artists. So a considerable number of talented artists were produced.

What is noteworthy in the training of artists in the feudal Joson dynasty is that it was conducted in the form of family education or individual education.

In the period of the feudal Joson Dynasty, many artists grew into famous artists through such forms of family and individual educations, acted as state-run painters. They were also trained in the traditional way in the families of handicraftsmen, and distinguished craftsmen, sculptors and so on. It is attributed to that the individual art education in this period took an important part in the training of artists.