Indegenous Korean food – Bean curd

Indegenous Korean food – Bean curd

Korean people have processed soybean in various ways to make various kinds of soybean dishes including bean curd, and used them in their diet.

Bean curd contains not only a lot of protein but also oil, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc., and has widely been known as a healthy food.

The experience and tradition of making bean curd of Koryo people have been carried forward to the period of the feudal Joson dynasty and its reputation has been spread even to neighboring countries.

Bean curds that have been used in the Korean people's diet differ in kind. Bean curds can be divided into block bean curd, dry bean curd, uncurdled bean curd, fermented bean curd, frozen bean curd, and soft bean curd, etc. depending on the processing method.

Processing of making bean curd includes soybean swelling up, grinding, and boiling, and paste filtration, coagulant addition, and curdling, and curd shaping and cutting.

Korean people have processed bean curd in various ways and with it they have improved their diet.