The post-suckling period refers to one from 1.5~2 years old to 6 years old. It means a nursery and kindergarten period.
In this period, it is necessary to fix rationally the amount of food for the child and diversify the kinds of food in order that the child should not be undernourished. In particular, it is important to fix the correct amount of diet for a day.
The child can’t take in an enough amount of some nutritive elements or bioactive substances only through its diet. Such elements or substances should be offered to the child additionally. In this period, the children can easily have Ca, Fe, Se, Zn, vitamin C poverty. So it is good to mix such nutritive elements and minerals into their drink, bread and cake
What is important in taking care of the nutrition of child in this period is to prevent an unbalanced diet.
The unbalanced diet is the main cause of the child’s undergrowth. The cause of the unbalanced diet is an unfavourite smell and taste of food or a disordered feeding of the snack. So it is important to organize rationally the meal for the child and supply the proper amount of the snack to the child regularly.